About Me

Nice To Meet You

Hey there, I'm Kate!

I get it mama - you may be feeling overwhelmed, busy, tired, pulled in all different directions both at work and at home. I've been there.

For 8 years, I was a Full-Time Working Mama in the Corporate world of Software Sales. It was a lot to juggle. Had it not been for my background in Exercise Science, Plant-Based Culinary Education, and decades of building a sustainable way of living a strong & healthy lifestyle, I would have been at my wit's end on how to manage it all.

I get it and I know how you feel. You want to show up as your best self for you, your family, your partner, your job, etc. but it all seems too overwhelming - the exercise, the eating "right", the cooking, the grocery shopping, the list goes ON, am I right?

When you work with me, I make it as simple as possible. We'll focus on the things that truly matter - energy, sleep, your female cycle, and mindful eating. This isn't another diet plan. It's a method that works and I can show you how to make it a part of your life. That's why I'm back in the Fitness Coaching world, so I can be there for you as you navigate your health, career, and relationships.

Book a call with me and let's see if we'd work well together. Can't wait to hear from you!

Let’s Talk About You

Are you frustrated with a lack of results because every year you start a new plan or diet and then "fall off" the plan 2-4 weeks later because it has unsustainable "food rules?"

Do your hormones, emotions, and PMS symptoms seem all over the place and you can't figure out what the root problem is?

Have you been obsessing over calorie counting, measuring, & tracking macros for years to the point where you've just tossed your hands up and eat anything and everything in sight?

Are you tired, sluggish, and basically just surviving the day - eating sugar and drinking caffeine to keep you "going?"

Are you not even sure where to start with an exercise plan because going to the gym sounds scary or you're not sure what to do with all the equipment you've acquired over the years?

What Sets Me & The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method Apart?

As your coach, I approach your needs & goals holistically to address your physical, emotional, and mental energy.

The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method is my unique system that combines strategies to achieve freedom from yo-yo dieting & restrictive eating; intentional fitness & strength training designed to support the four phases of your menstrual cycle; including methods to help you go from surviving to thriving in your health & wellness.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start reaching your goals & chat with me 1:1 to get concrete steps to help you establish habits and practices to achieve life-long results!

Book Your Application Call Today and Discover
the beauty of The 'Cycle F.I.T.' Method

Let’s Connect

We’ll connect virtually & discuss

your personal health & fitness goals to determine if I would be the best coach for you.

Get Your Action Plan

I’ll share my signature path to

help you get to your goals so you’re clear on what to do next.


Discover what it will take to get the tailored support, tools, and solutions you need to put your plan into action.

AI Wellness LLC | © Copyright 2024